3 Jenis Website:
Pertama, Website Company Profile yang terdiri dari tombol home, about us dan lain-lain. Kedua, Website E-commerce dimana di dalamnya terdapat shopping cart. Sedangkan, terdapat jenis lain dari Website E-Commerce yaitu Website E-commerce Marketplace, yang merupakan tipe situs E-Commerce yang memfasilitasi proses jual beli dari berbagai toko (terdapat membership atau reseller). Terakhir, Website Landing Page, merupakan halaman web mandiri, dibuat khusus untuk kampanye pemasaran atau iklan. Dalam menjalankan Project, Naikreatif selalu mengajak seseorang yang ahli pada bidangnya, terutama pada bidang digital marketing. Salah satu Strategic Partner kita yaitu Clement Yodar, yang merupakan pakar pada bidang SEO dan WordPress.
3 Different Kinds of Website:
Firstly, Company Website Profile: Which is made up from the home button, about us and others. Secondly, there are the E-commerce Website that has shopping cart. Meanwhile there are other kinds of E-Commerce Website which are E-Commerce Website Marketplace, which is a type of site of e-commerce that facilitates the transaction process between the buyer and seller from different types of store (membership or reseller). Lastly, Landing Page Website is a independent webpage, made specifically for marketing campaign or advertisement. In the running of the project, Naikreatif always invites people who are professional at their fields especially in digital marketing. One of our Strategic Partner is Clement Yodar who’s an expert in the SEO field and the WordPress.